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I am not teaching this year.
See below for past teaching information.
Not applicable this year...
IDC Herzliya
Spring 2017 Lecturer, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science)
Fall 2015/16 Lecturer, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science)
Fall 2014/15 Lecturer, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science)
Fall 2013/14 Lecturer, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science)
Spring 2013 Lecturer, Introduction to Programming (School of Economics)
Fall 2012/13 Lecturer, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science)
Fall 2011/12 Lecturer, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science)
Spring 2011 Lecturer, Introduction to Programming (School of Economics, Supervising Lecturer: Prof. Shimon Schocken)
Spring 2014 Teaching Assistant, Operating Systems (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Prof. Anat Bremler-Barr)
Spring 2012 Teaching Assistant, Operating Systems (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Prof. Anat Bremler-Barr)
Spring 2012 Teaching Assistant, Data Structures (School of Computer Science (Keren Or Group), Lecturer: Prof. Yael Moses)
Spring 2011 Teaching Assistant, Operating Systems (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Prof. Anat Bremler-Barr)
Fall 2010/11 Teaching Assistant, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Dr. Shimon Cohen)
Spring 2010 Teaching Assistant, Operating Systems (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Prof. Anat Bremler-Barr)
Fall 2009/10 Teaching Assistant, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Dr. Shimon Cohen)
Spring 2009 Teaching Assistant, Operating Systems (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Prof. Anat Bremler-Barr)
Fall 2008/9 Teaching Assistant, Functional and Logic Programming (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Dr. Shimon Cohen)
Fall 2011/12 Homework Grader, Advanced Topics in Computer Networks (School of CS, Lecturer: Prof. Anat Bremler-Barr)
Fall 2010/11 Homework Grader, Computer Networks (School of Computer Science, Lecturer: Prof. Gadi Taubenfeld)
The Hebrew University
Spring 2016 Assistant Instructor, Workshop in Communication Networks (School of Computer Science and Engineering)
Spring 2015 Assistant Instructor, Workshop in Communication Networks (School of Computer Science and Engineering)
Spring 2014 Assistant Instructor, Workshop in Communication Networks (School of Computer Science and Engineering)
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